Hi. It took me a while to figure out the forum thing, but I've got it down now. (that was beside the point)
On Tuesday (Aug. 18 '03) there was a car accident* in Norwell Massachusetts. For those of you in the area that know about it, you probably know how terrible it was. Well... Two (Christian) girls from my church were killed. I knew one of them pretty well, and the other I only distantly knew. I ask you (or whoever looks at this) to pray for their families. The girls names were: Janelle Desmond** and Kristen Carriere. Janelle was 16 and Kristen was 15.
* the driver was indeed drunk... As the result of most car accidents in the South Shore.
** Janelle had no parents... She was a foster child and a year ago on Thrusday the 28, she would be celebrating a year of having Legal Gauradians.
IGFE, (In God Forever)