Ninja Code-Panda!

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Ninja Code-Panda!

Postby Dante » Fri Dec 09, 2011 2:23 pm

So my webpage is finally to the stage where I consider it basically done! :D

There's a few tweaks that are annoying me, but outside of that, everything is basically there. Oh yeah, it's located at:


Right now, I'm oscillating between adding more pseudo-code, writing a couple of articles about my projects and adding more database stuff to my skill-set (this one is winning so far, I want to learn NEW things, not ruminate on what's done). However, I've started the process of looking for a job and I'm hoping that somewhere out there, I'm someone's dream come true! @_@

I've already gotten one call back and I'm praying for a good outcome to occur within the near-term future for my applications. Getting a job is kind of important to my keep my life in the air. Living without an income is doable, but really difficult.

But yep - that's what it looks like! Feel free to add any comments on here that come to mind, but try to keep them positive and encouraging (or just plain random). The world gives me enough negative feedback, I'm not going to make it any-wheres if I'm frightened of making the wrong step every two seconds.

I've just got to be me and continue to believe that God made me to be me. In other words, it implies that God suggests the world accept me as I am, because that's the only thing he made me to be. Being fake to satisfy something they think they want will only lead to heartache. So I'm hoping to be me and find someone out there that's looking for 'me' - let's hope they make the right decision when they see me :n_n:.

Wish me luck, or better yet, drop me a quick prayer,
-Dante ^_^
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