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Couple of questions

PostPosted: Fri Jun 30, 2006 7:35 pm
by SnoringFrog
First, I made some emoticons, and tok out as much of the white as I could, but there was still some surronding the image when I uploaded it to me message board. How do I make it so that that white color doesn't appear?

Also, how do I make an animated .gif file? I have the seperate frames, but I couldn't find a way to connect them. The only image eidting programs I have are paint, powerpoint, and Microsfot photo editor. Can anone probide me with some assistance? ANy help would be much appreciated.

Also, if it requires a program I don't have access to, would someone be willing to create the .gif for me?


PostPosted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 9:07 am
by Esoteric
Hmmm, well I don't know much about animated GIFs..., but I do know you can make them in Adobe Image Ready. There must be other software though, so I would suggest you do an internet search on software for making animated GIFs. When saving a GIF, there's a way to select transparancy for one color in your image. In my opinion, it never worked very well, but I think the key is a high level of customization.
For example, If you want your GIF to go over a blue background, you don't surround it in white and then try and make the white disappear. Invariably, there will be a few ugly little white pixels left. But, if you surround your GIF in a similar blue, and make that transparent, any uncooperative pixels with be less noticable.
Hope that helps.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 12:15 pm
by KBMaster
I don't think any of the programs you have can make an animated .gif, so if you want to send them to me, I'll make your gif. Send the frames to [email protected]. But I'm moving so try to send them this week if you want me to make it for you. :D