The Lantern Chronicles

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Postby Mister Frodo » Tue Jul 10, 2007 10:04 pm

Okay, I'm going to make a second character... (hope that's still okay; if it's not you can just cut her out...)

Picked Name: Kamia

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Essence Color: Gray (due to her neutral nature; gray is a very neutral color)

Position: Newcomer

Appearance: The following are various aspects of her appearance

Eyes: Medium gray

Hair: Red-brown and medium-long; basically, it almost goes to her shoulders. She never wears it in a ponytail.

Attire: Kamia is wearing a business suit, with a black jacket and a red tie, along with black khaki pants. (The reason for this is because in her life prior to Substratum she was an intern at an office and tried to dress serious for her work.) She has a white long-sleeved shirt on underneath her jacket. She has dress shoes on and black socks. (Note that these clothes make her very warm, but she doesn't want to take them off, because she thinks they make her look serious.)

Skin tone: White

Height: 5' 8"

Build: Medium

Personality: Kamia always takes things seriously, which can be a good thing and a bad thing. She can't understand sarcasm or humor (she always thinks the person is being serious). She takes things at face value, so she usually judges people by the first impression they give her. Once her mind is set on something, it's very hard to distract her. She doesn't like to change her set plan, even when it would be better to do so. However, she's very dependable and loyal, and is ready to act in a dangerous situation. She also is very honest (almost brutally honest, ha ha.)

And that's Kamia. I hope she'll be able to be in the RPG (I finally found a personality I liked for a female character). Anyway, I hope this RPG starts off well!
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Postby Felix » Wed Jul 11, 2007 4:55 am

Ahh! I'm so glad you joined, Lostchild! Only you could come up with such an awesome character in so short a time. I really like Gemma... welcome to the RP!

And of course you can make another character, Mister Frodo. She looks good and is accepted! Her background contradicts a bit with the nature of the surface world, which I originally planned the characters to be from, but I've decided that that's okay, since I want there to be an element of weirdness about the characters, so they don't neccessarily have to have been from the surface world. This should make more sense later, but you don't have to worry about anything. Your character is good!

As of this point, however, I don't think I'll be accepting any more characters, because I don't want it to get too confusing or cumbersome for people. I know that when there's a lot of characters to keep track of, it's easy to get lost or feel out of place ^^;

[quote="Mister Frodo in The Lantern Chronicles"]OoC: Already starting... Yay! By the way, I made another character in our thread in the RPG Ideas, so if that's okay, I'd like to introduce her. But for now I'll just introduce my first character.

It was dark.

He hated the dark.

He had found himself alone, in a small, enclosed room. The initial claustrophic feeling he got from his tiny chamber soon shifted to his greater fear of the dark. Fearing the shadows that covered the dirt floor, he tucked his knees to his chin, rocking back and forth, hoping for something to break the cold clasp of fear from his mind.

He clenched his fist. You idiot. Why are you afraid? It's only the dark. How can it hurt you? Get up!

Even with his efforts to persuade himself to move, he just couldn't. He shivered, even though it wasn't even cool. Why is it always the things I fear are the things I run into?

By this time his eyes had slightly adjusted to the darkness. Now he could tell that the room wasn't completely lackluster]

I'm glad to have your second character! And wow, I knew you were a good writer, but I had no idea. This is a fabulous intro! I really love the way you described things and wrote it out. And I do like how you put the eerie laugh and stuff in there. You don't have to worry about making stuff up in the RP. As long as it's not radically against my plot, I promise I won't mind. I actually love it when people make stuff up, so go right ahead if you have anything you want to add, but you're not sure about.
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Postby chibiphonebooth » Wed Jul 11, 2007 9:13 am

you said i could enter, right Felix?

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Postby Felix » Wed Jul 11, 2007 11:37 am

How should I remember? I don't even know half the stuff I say when I'm saying it! :D You tell me!

... Yes, you can join XD
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Postby chibiphonebooth » Wed Jul 11, 2007 12:06 pm

Picked Name: Ophelia
Age: she looks like she's 14, but people assume she's a bit older.
Gender: female
Height: 5' 1"
Hair: very curly, poofy, and white-blonde. She has her hair in pigtails.
Essence Color: whitish-yellow
Position: Native Stratum-Dweller.
Number of years in SS: unknown

Appearance: Ophelia is albino, but very beautiful. She looks like a porcelain doll. She has pinkish eyes, and she is very pale. She is very petite, and looks quite fragile. She has yellow-white eyelashes and a pinkish nose. She wears a very light dress- pale blue in color. She ususally goes barefoot, but when she has to wear shoes- she wears these big bulky boots. She almost always carries around a floppy dog stuffed animal with her. She is very sensitive to light.

Personality: She is very quiet and shy. She is kind of mysterious, and many people would mistake her as a ghost when they would see her walk by. She carries herself with such grace that people sometimes believe she is not real. She is very friendly once you get to know her, but she is ,again, quite shy. No one really knows why she always carries a stuffed animal with her.
History: The only thing people know is that she's an orphan.


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Postby LostChild » Wed Jul 11, 2007 12:27 pm

rofl! of course you don't remember anything you say dan! i sucked the memory right out of your head! mwahahahahaha-h-ha ... *ahem sucks laura's Cafcow* don't let her know i stole if for the afternoon. she might hurt me...
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Postby Felix » Wed Jul 11, 2007 1:10 pm

Oh riiiiiiiight, now I remember... no wait, actually I DON'T remember! o.o

Anyway, awesome character Savvy! I love it ^^/ Since she's a native stratum-dweller, I need to discuss something with you over IM or PM. Don't worry, it's simple. :D

Uh-oh, you better not let Laura find out <.< I won't tell if you won't.
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Postby insanewitapen » Wed Jul 11, 2007 2:24 pm

XD Poor dan...
Welcome chibi! You're drawing of Ophelia looks adorable >3<
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Postby SorasOathkeeper » Wed Jul 11, 2007 2:37 pm

Not sure how happy I am with the character, I might tweak things here and there.

Name: Grey

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Essence Color: White

One of Lusus’s gaurds

hair: Short brown hair
Eyes: Amber brown
Height: 5’ 7
Skin color: Not dark tan, but tanner then you would expect from someone living underground.
Clothes: A Scarlet red cloak that he always has with him. A golden broach holds it in place. Other then that he usually wears outfits that are easy moving, don’t get in the way.

Personality: Tries to be serious about his job, which makes him appear up-tight. He gets frustrated and flustered when people press him about it. He’s loyal to Lusus, and gets angered if people question things about the king. Even though he is Lusus guard he still is a 21 year old male, and is still a bit naive and foolish. Head strong wanting to get to the point the fastest way possible.

History: Grey was found in the caves as a baby and was adopted by the family who was head of Lusus guards. Since he was little it was decided that he would join, so he's been working for it since he was little. (though when he was little it was just training and doing errands for them stuff like that)
His "parents" were killed recently in the attack by the disloyalists.
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Postby Felix » Wed Jul 11, 2007 2:41 pm

Ahh! Great job Laura! I love him ^_^ I'm so glad you joined. Welcome, welcome! I hope you have a good time.
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Postby LostChild » Wed Jul 11, 2007 4:56 pm

aoww.... *rubbing head* i know how to share ya know... couldn't you have used one of the smaller sticks?
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Postby chibiphonebooth » Wed Jul 11, 2007 7:01 pm

oh my... *ponders what the thing might be that dan wants to discuss.*

tee hee, thanks iwap. :O

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Postby Felix » Wed Jul 18, 2007 6:01 pm

Update: I've thought up a little extra information about Substratum that I'll stick here, and also add to the RP info.

First, you may be wondering how lighting works in Substratum. Well, there are long cracks that run along the ceiling in many of the caves, and all throughout the capital city (which is set in one huge cave). These cracks zigzag far into the rock above, where they eventually reach the surface in a sort of small chasm. The rock in these cracks is highly reflective, and actually magnifies the light it recieves.
So the light from the surface above shines into these crevices and is reflected and magnified back and forth as it travels downward. When it reachs the rooms of substratum, it is considerably bright.
This is also how night-time is distinguished in Substratum, as light will cease to pour from these "lighting crevices".
Also, in dark areas or at night, torches and lamps are used to light Substratum.

People have tried to crawl up into these crevices in order to reach the surface, but they are far to small for any normal person to crawl into, and they most likely stretch upward for miles, and the light is so bright that anyone who crawled inside would have their eyes burned out within minutes.

Some rumors suggest that this is what happened to Moth's eyes, but no one can be sure.

Water is gotten in a similar fashion. Long canals in the rock reach up to the surface, usually under a lake or sea, and let water trickle or rush down to Substratum, where it is collected in tanks. The minerals and chemicals in the rock of these water canals thoroughly cleans and decontaminates the water as it travels down.
There are also underground lakes and such things.

Another important fact which should be noted, is that people can't have children in Substratum. The only way people can arrive in Substratum is through waking up in one of the birth caves. Occasionally babies are found in one of the birth caves,a nd they are often adopted into a family who wants to have a kid.
In fact, the majority of people who appear in Substratum are between the ages of 15 and 25, so many of the minors are also adopted into familes.

That's all I can think of for now, but I'll continue to add information as I think of it.
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