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For Adventures in Odyssey fans

PostPosted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 3:44 pm
by Bobtheduck
I present to you Mandy Straussberg: This is the ONLY thing that could ever justify linking to a sequel to a Don Bluth movie...

Liz Horton

Mandy AND Liz

The first Mr. Whittaker (he's Gyro Gearloose)

Mr. Alan (the human, not the horse, and obviously not the singing part) (Scrooge)

Connie Kendall (What voice did she do in Silent Hill? She said 2, but that's impossible, because there aren't SIDE characters in that game... James, Maria, Laura, Angela, and Eddie. That's... pretty much it, and she wasn't any of them)

Dale Jacobs

I'd link you to Regis Blackgaard and Jimmy Barclay, but I couldn't find any clips of either that were CAA appropriate. Jimmy Barclay drops F-bombs occasionally.

Re: For Adventures in Odyssey fans

PostPosted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 3:56 pm
by Yuki-Anne
Gosh, I listened to that program as a kid but it's been so long that the only names I recognize are Mr. Whitaker and Connie Kendall.

Re: For Adventures in Odyssey fans

PostPosted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 4:25 pm
by Bobtheduck
You don't recognize Jimmy Barclay, the first AiO male kid voice to stick around after he hit puberty? Granted, I didn't link any of Jave Griffin's videos, for reasons I stated.

Mandy Straussberg sort of replaced Lucy... Or, more accurately, they sort of split Lucy in half, and made two characters, the same way they split Whit in half and made Jason and Mr. Alan. Mandy and Liz are the result of that. I would have posted vids of Lucy's actress, except... I don't think she acts anymore. Her and the guy that played Jack are married in real life and have kids. I think their acting days are behind them. I also can't find Lawrence (Jimmy's younger friend), though it's POSSIBLE he's a youth pastor? Also possible that Gabriel Encarnacion is just a hideously common name, and there are 100 of them on youtube. Will Ryan, who played Eugene, doesn't seem to have done much live action work. The only thing I saw him in, live action, was a Making of for adventures in odyssey, which also shows Genesis Long (lucy), Gabriel Encarnacion, Katie Leigh (Connie), Paul McCusker (one of the creators + Philip Glossman), Chuck Bolte (one of the creators + George Barclay), Phil Lollar (One of the Creators + Dale Jacobs), and Chris Anthony (Chris... The narrator)

It's REALLY old... both of the child actors there are adults, and at least Genesis is married with kids.