about the Word of God...
PostPosted: Sat Nov 26, 2005 3:47 pm
Today, I watched a video on eBaum's World that made me pretty mad. It's an episode of Pen and Teller's show (the name of which I can't say on CAA) that attempted (and failed) to disprove the Bible. However, that didn't tick me off as much as one of the points they made, because the point they made is true and it shouldn't be. Repeatedly these pagan blasphemers stated that Christians pick and choose what parts of the Bible to believe and follow and which parts not to. They pointed out, validly, that this goes completely against the Christian faith is all about. But we still do it. I say "we" and "our" because such a huge portion of the "Christian" population does it that it looks like the entire Body of Christ "picks and chooses" what parts of the Bible to follow and what parts to throw out the window!
This is horrible, guys and gals. I didn't realize till today that this problem was so far widespread until today. Because of "our" inability to treat the Word of God the way God commands us to treat it, the enemies of God in this world are able to slap us (all Christians) in the face with our own hands! It's a disgrace: a complete and utter disgrace. We, to them, appear as nothing but the world's worst case of hypocracy.
I don't know... maybe this is more of a rant than anything else. But... I want to challenge you all. When you sit down with your Bible, do you see God's Word commuicated to you, or do you just see a bunch of moral recommendations that are good to follow but without reason? Do you see examples of how to live for God and how not to live, or do you see just a bunch of stories? Do you see an explanation of why humans are sinful and fallen and how God can restore our live, or do you see just a bunch of myths that were written by Hebrew religious leaders a few thousand years ago? If you see the Bible as nothing more than a book of rules, stories, and myths, then I will not lie to you... it is because of you that Christians today have such a bad name to the unsaved, and this video is pure, undeniable proof of that. It is because of those ideas that those fools can slander the good Name of Jesus in such a way and laugh at it.
Read the Bible and understand that it is not what the world makes it out to be... Jesus' miracles were not some mere illusions perfomed for people looking for an entertaining side-show, but where manifestations of how he loves His creation. The parting of the Red Sea was not just the crossing of some dried-up marsh, but a manifestation of the unstoppable power of the Most High Living God. The Bible is not penned by godly men, but authored by God Himself.
We can turn the world's view of Christians arround. If we can learn to have a full respect for the Word of God, learn what it really is and what it isn't, and learn how it was made to impact our lives, then we can provide the world with a better view of what being a Christian really is all about.
This is horrible, guys and gals. I didn't realize till today that this problem was so far widespread until today. Because of "our" inability to treat the Word of God the way God commands us to treat it, the enemies of God in this world are able to slap us (all Christians) in the face with our own hands! It's a disgrace: a complete and utter disgrace. We, to them, appear as nothing but the world's worst case of hypocracy.
I don't know... maybe this is more of a rant than anything else. But... I want to challenge you all. When you sit down with your Bible, do you see God's Word commuicated to you, or do you just see a bunch of moral recommendations that are good to follow but without reason? Do you see examples of how to live for God and how not to live, or do you see just a bunch of stories? Do you see an explanation of why humans are sinful and fallen and how God can restore our live, or do you see just a bunch of myths that were written by Hebrew religious leaders a few thousand years ago? If you see the Bible as nothing more than a book of rules, stories, and myths, then I will not lie to you... it is because of you that Christians today have such a bad name to the unsaved, and this video is pure, undeniable proof of that. It is because of those ideas that those fools can slander the good Name of Jesus in such a way and laugh at it.
Read the Bible and understand that it is not what the world makes it out to be... Jesus' miracles were not some mere illusions perfomed for people looking for an entertaining side-show, but where manifestations of how he loves His creation. The parting of the Red Sea was not just the crossing of some dried-up marsh, but a manifestation of the unstoppable power of the Most High Living God. The Bible is not penned by godly men, but authored by God Himself.
We can turn the world's view of Christians arround. If we can learn to have a full respect for the Word of God, learn what it really is and what it isn't, and learn how it was made to impact our lives, then we can provide the world with a better view of what being a Christian really is all about.