The story sounds interesting so far -the last sentence: "I have, after all, the Blue Dragon Diamond in my coat pocket." definitely makes me curious as to what will happen next.
I agree with a lot of the comments both of you have made; I hope you don't mind if I make some of my own. ^_^"
I think the elements of the plot that have been revealed so far opint to this story being an excellent detective-type novel. I love the idea of 'sanctuary' at the church, too. It's a unique idea, and I'm intrigued to see how his confinement to the building will play out through your novel.
I do have some constructive critism, though. Hope you don't mind if I point a few things out. ^_^"
Jumping from past to present, though some people may frown on it, is fine for this sort of novel. However, it still seems a bit choppy. I think that some of the sentences could be left in the past tense, or rephrased to fit into it, and the others... I'm not sure, but I think it just tends to jump quite quickly from present to past. Perhaps you could change the order of things around so you might have a paragraph that goes back to the present, before switching back to the past, rather than mixing the tenses together in the same paragraph. I'm sure there are other ways to do it that would probably be better; that's just a suggestion.
The opening, while good, didn't really catch me. It's not a bad opening, it's just that I've been told before that it's best to try to make an impact in the opening sentences/paragraph of a book. Opening with a comment on architecture doesn't quite achieve that. ^_^"
Well, in the next chapter we find out that he was on vacation when this happened, which explains why he's kind of upset and confused. He did not go looking for trouble, it literally fell into his lap at what seems at that moment random. But still, it does not read well and I should tone it down.
Perhaps you could put that in somewhere -even in those words: 'trouble'...'fell into his lap'. I think that sounds like a good description to put in this first part of your story.
Aside from that, excellent drama, especially with the strained trust between the policeman and Rommel. I think what you've written sounded good so far, but just could be made to read a bit smoother. Good writing, BSJ. ^_^
Oh, and as for the dealine... doing Nanowrimo helped me to get into a routine of trying to write a set amount of words on a story per day. That might work for you too. ^_^
And if you don't finish in a year, seriously: don't worry. You may come back to your story later and get back to it then.