Yeah... well you see I tend to start a lot of stories... way more than I should, and I only get one or two chapters into them and I drop them. I thought I would post some of them here, just to keep track of them, and maybe I'll be inspired to work on them by some of you guys' comments ^^; If I get a lot further on any of them, I'll make a thread for that story, but I wanted to have a place to keep my snippets and beginnings and stuff.
Here we go, the first one is called "The Final One".
You will die. You are dead.
Bloodshot eyes turned in their sockets to betray dilated pupils. Nostrils flared under the boy’s heavy breathing. Fresh tears mingled with his sweat and dripped from his face A whimper crawled up his dry throat and escaped through his cracked lips. He shuddered. He was half-slumped against a tree, the wind whistling around him and through the branches above. It tore at his clothes and whipped his shaggy hair against his cheeks. He wiped snot and saliva from his face with the back of a trembling hand. His knees buckled and he collapsed.
Dead, dead. You will die. You are dead, you are dead, you are dead.
The boy released a hoarse scream, trying to blot out his thoughts. “Shuttup!â€