As I mentioned on the "Do you read fanfiction?" thread, I thought it would be fun to have a fanfiction reading circle where we could share our favorite fanfics and possibly discuss them. All of us who read fanfiction are well aware of the hassle it sometimes takes to get through the bad to find the good, and I believe a shortcut to the good ones is never a bad thing.
If you'd like to share a fanfic please give the following information (or in the very least a title, author and link):
Rating (if not what's given on the site, what you would equate it to):
Possible Objectional Content:
This may go without saying, but no slash or lemons/hentai (fics with pornographic sexual content).
I'll start out then!
Title: Who Lives in Disguise
Author: duj
Series: Harry Potter
Rating: K+ on
Possible Objectional Content: The whole HP deal, I suppose?
Summary: The fic takes place during the plot of HBP and follows Hermione Granger as she takes Occulmency lessons from Snape. Neither Snape nor Hermione ever break character (as is sorrowfully prevailent fics involving Snape as a sort of mentor). The author integrates her story so well into the canon book that I find myself forgetting that it
isn't canon. No pairings.
Title: Everything's Changed
Author: Kai19
Series: Inuyasha
Rating: T on
Possible Objectional Content: Violence and cussing (one use of the f-word and several h***'s and d***'s as I'm scanning it now)
Summary: Although I've pretty much given up on Inuyasha fanfiction this is one that I've kept coming back to (I'm hard to impress too). It is a Sess/Kag story that is set in Kagome's time after the well has sealed up. "Sesshoumaru, lonely and tired of living, runs into one of the few humans he ever respected, but never thought he'd see again. The miko who impressed him 500 years ago, Kagome!" One of the best Sess/Kag fics I've ever read. It is entertaining without being far-fetched. The original situation involving Inuyasha and Kikyo seems ooc until you get to the end where it makes sense.
Title: Don't Panic!
Author: boz4PM
Series: LOTR
Rating: T on
Possible Objectional Content: Strong language - not even gonna try to count them
Summary: "Penny is panicking. Where is she? How did she get here? How is she going to get home and whose backside will she kick first when she does? A woman lost in Middle Earth wearing only her pyjamas. This can't be good... (STRONG language; NOT a M-Sue)" Basically the author wrote a VERY realistic fic putting down Mary-Sues. The research put into her writing and the way she fleshes out Middle-Earth is amazing. I also recommend the sequel
Okay, NOW Panic!. Thank you so much lizardqueen for recommending these in the first place. ^^