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Halloween, it's just around the corner.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 27, 2003 4:59 pm
by Fsiphskilm
Well seeing how it's only about a week away, we might as well start early (so we can finish early). Take the Poll above and list some comments on Why you do or don't beleave in this holid... er i mean Celebration.

To aviod big debates, or harsh arguments you can rather post what you will be doing this halloween, Usually freindly christians give out Chick tracks to trick or treaters.(say that fast 5 times fast.)

Volt's Halloween- instead of celebrating evil dark forces i will be surviving evil dark forces! Resident Evil / Survival Horror Marathon 2003 will be the main event at my house. I wish i had the remake on GameCube :sniffle: , but that will be next years event. :thumb: .

PostPosted: Mon Oct 27, 2003 5:02 pm
by Kat Walker
And as of right now, the Anime Reviews forum has 666 posts!!

EEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeviiiiiiiiiiiiillllllllll!!!!!!! *splashes holy water on the threads*

PostPosted: Mon Oct 27, 2003 5:06 pm
by CobaltAngel
Kat Walker wrote:And as of right now, the Anime Reviews forum has 666 posts!!

EEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeviiiiiiiiiiiiillllllllll!!!!!!! *splashes holy water on the threads*

That's... so like something I would actaully do, LOL!

PostPosted: Mon Oct 27, 2003 5:11 pm
by Fsiphskilm
I'll take care of that...(volt posts a thread about a rendom manga that was pulled from a hat)... You never said what you were doing this holloween. :drool:

PostPosted: Mon Oct 27, 2003 5:22 pm
by inkhana
Well, if the kids drop by wanting candy, I'll give them some, but that's about it for me. Oh, and I might play a trick on my sister...:evil: LOL

PostPosted: Mon Oct 27, 2003 5:24 pm
by Straylight
as someone with more wit than me posted on another forum

"I'm gonna dress up as a guy sitting in front of his house with a spotlight and a hose" :D

PostPosted: Mon Oct 27, 2003 5:24 pm
by uc pseudonym
None of the poll options really apply to me.

Personally, I have little against Halloween. True, pagan holiday and all that, but all other holidays were intentionally placed on pagan holidays. There's nothing to say the same couldn't happen here.

However, due to background issues, I don't personally celebrate (as doesn't my family). I'd like to put out a few facts, just before this discussion becomes an argument:

Halloween is the biggest day of the year for all occultic and Satanic rituals.
Crime rates in some areas triple.
Murder increases majorly (I'm fuzzy on statistics).
Any given child is far more likely to be molested on Halloween than any other day of the year. [SPOILER=Possibly Disturbing]Rapists know this, costumes are easy to take advantage of. Who believes the kid who says: The Easter Bunny touched me, Mommy?[/SPOILER]

Oh, and the topic: I have a friend with muscular distrophe. He has a copy of Matrix: Reloaded and wants to watch it with someone. Better yet, my dad needs to see it too. It should be fun.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 27, 2003 5:29 pm
by CobaltAngel
oh, btw, I'm not against it... I've always known it to be just about getting candy... :lol:

PostPosted: Mon Oct 27, 2003 5:45 pm
by Ashley
My family and I have always made a point of not celebrating Halloween, mostly due to our parent's misgivings of it. True, other holidays were based on pagan ones, but something about this one in particular gives my parents and much of my church a bad feeling. Every year, my family and I will go out to dinner and try to have a "normal" night..then go home and take turns answering the door and telling the kids sorry, no candy here. Just my personal experience.

Also, as there are a LOT Of differing opinions between Christians on this holiday, let's try to keep this open, courteous and positive, ok? Just because someone has a different view than you is not grounds to accuse them of being a non-Christian or the like. Just thought I'd throw that out there...I've seen a lot of Christians get very bitter over this issue.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 27, 2003 5:52 pm
by Technomancer
If someone tries giving me a Chick tract, just see how friendly I get.

Halloween's okay, I always used to enjoy it. I'd rather doubt any of the kids who dress up and go trick or treating know or much less care about the day's origins, so long as they get to wear fun costumes and get candy.

I wouldn't read to much into Halloween stats though. I mean you've got a bunch of people who can now run around in masks, generally acting kooky and not look out of place. That's gotta be something people are are going to abuse. Of course, there's the whole Devil's night thing too. Really just people looking for an excuse to wreak havoc.

As for what I'm doing, the campus anime club is having a showing that night.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 27, 2003 5:54 pm
by Shinja
theres one good thing about halloween, cheap candy the day its over :lol:

PostPosted: Mon Oct 27, 2003 5:58 pm
by JediSonic
I don't have any more of a problem with it than I do with "resident evil 3", but I'm not going to defend it either. Did I mention I am never, EVER going to play resident evil 3? lol!

Last year I went trick or treating, but I don't feel like it this year, plus I don't want to get embarrassed by running away from the zombie down the street like i did last year! lol!

PostPosted: Mon Oct 27, 2003 5:58 pm
by Taslin_Jewel
I'm not against it; I see it as a time to hang out with my little sister and get lots of candy. I live in a very safe little community, and nothing has ever happened to me or any of my family. I will admit, however, that my parents come with us every year. (My dad has the best costume ideas. Once he took an old computer apart and went as a cyborg! But never mind.)

PostPosted: Mon Oct 27, 2003 5:59 pm
by MyrrhLynn
I don't trick or treat anymore but when my sisters and I used to, it was like a game of command and conquer. :evil: You would not believe how many neighborhoods we would go to. (Of course only the ones that we had figured out from the past gave away the most stuff!) By the end of the day we would be exhausted and we would each have bags and bags of candy. :eyeroll:

But since we live out in the country (we went into the city to trick-or-treat) we never got trick-or-treaters and we really never decorated. Mostly we just had fun picking out our costumes.

Oh and yeah our city is pretty much the typical "small mid-west town" they even have set times you can trick or treat (like 4 hours in the afternoon), so I think they make it as safe as possible.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 27, 2003 6:02 pm
by ZiP
I don't really see anything wrong, w/ halloween,
besides that demonic worship, but that won't stop me from making myself sick on the candy :P
Happy Halloweeny!!


PostPosted: Mon Oct 27, 2003 6:25 pm
by Fsiphskilm
Oh if you wanted facts here's some more
  • During the month of october the humain society(animal adoption) does NOT allow the adopting of pure Black cats or Dogs.
  • Fully [spoiler=children]fully decapitated children are found every halloween, this number is in the hundreds[/spoiler]
  • (this is not a backed up fact)Holloween was originally with the prefix "Sata"-ween, which was a celbration of the demonic and the dark.(this was not a backed up fact)
  • another name commonly used is "The witches sabbath","the black mass".
  • 40,000 to 60,000 people are Ritualisticly murdered world wide every year, those are just the number of evidential bodies that have been found, the estimates for burned or disapeared bodies is close to a million.

Bla Bla i don't think anyone's closed enough not to notice that there's something not christian about dressing up as satan, and bloody witches. Not to mension all the occultic stuff, really i'm not going to talk to anyone about this anymore, halloween is understood as a Dark celebration of the dead (glorifies satan)so let's just drop this and get on. :sweat: becasue i really don't want to start some major arguement. We all have eyes and see the truth, it's your responsability to accept it as it is. :)

PostPosted: Mon Oct 27, 2003 6:36 pm
by Fsiphskilm
YES, i do know that my Avatar of Volt has horns on it... Volt was shot in the head and left for dead but he wasn't and so healed and he went to work as a bouncer at this bar and the owner was like dude you look really bad so they decorated him with the fake horns and facial peircings.(must...take...breath...)And so that's unintensional horns unlike little kids who walk around with pitch forks and satan masks with gotees. :o :rant:

PostPosted: Mon Oct 27, 2003 6:38 pm
by Technomancer
The name Halloween comes from All Hallow's Eve, which is a Christian feast day meant to replace the Celtic feast of Samhain. There is no relationship to Satan in either name.

Claims of ritualistic cults have long since been investigated and been shown to be rumour, hysteria and fakery. Bodies of children showing up decapitated would create something of a stir in most places, hundreds of them would create quite a bit more. Odd how no police agency (FBI, RCMP, etc) or major media outlet has remarked on this.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 27, 2003 6:48 pm
by Fsiphskilm
Technomancer wrote:The name Halloween comes from All Hallow's Eve, which is a Christian feast day meant to replace the Celtic feast of Samhain. There is no relationship to Satan in either name.

Claims of ritualistic cults have long since been investigated and been shown to be rumour, hysteria and fakery. Bodies of children showing up decapitated would create something of a stir in most places, hundreds of them would create quite a bit more. Odd how no police agency (FBI, RCMP, etc) or major media outlet has remarked on this.

Yes i knew the Sata-ween thing was a bit..streched out, but there have been FBI reports, it was on the news. Most of these people are found after or before halloween, it's not like on halloween a whole heap of dead children corpes show up. Besides the media doesn't display this, the halloween business is a multi-Million if not $$$billion$$ dollar industry. Why would they want to scare people on the news.....Same with Evolution. There are so many facts about it..facts that PROVE evolution wrong, yet there's no one there to teach it. Just becasue you don't see the invisible doesn't mean it's not there. And what's true isn't always popular, and what's popular isn't always true. What about the proof that Noah's arch exishts or that there is Proof that the bible is true. The facts are out there growing on banana trees :dance: yet the media doesn't care.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 27, 2003 7:00 pm
by Technomancer
I've read some of the case studies. There was a stir in the media some years ago about this sort of thing (in Sask. up here, and in some of your states as well), and the investigators concluded that the accusations were wholly groundless. It also brought to the fore the issue of "false memories" that can be implanted through hypnosis or by simple suggestion in young children. Incidentally, I've read one of the investigating detectives account of the whole's a worthwhile read. If this were true, the police would be issuing advisories like crazy.

In any event, you forget that news is a business, and a story like this would come out no matter what. Also, some networks are publically owned (like CBC) and are not so dependant on ad revenues. The news scares people all the time. Compare the public's perception of crime due to sensationalist reporting and its actual occurance and you'll see what I mean. Conspiracies are seldom reliable explanations in any event. As for evolution, we've been though this before (check archives).

PostPosted: Mon Oct 27, 2003 7:05 pm
by true_noir_chloe
Okay, back to what I'm doing on Halloweenie, :eyebrow: as the kids and I call it. My son has a good friend coming over and he'll either be Kiba of Wolf's Rain or wear his T-shirt that says, "I see dead people;" and then, after he and his friend take his younger sister out to grab them some munchies :thumb: for the evening they will come back and we'll have a late night of partying with some scary or sci fi movies. Then, I'll probably drop the guys off to see some more friends at the local LAN-shark to play games until midnight. My daughter will stay with the hubby and I - since her best bud and trick-or-treating buddy moved away two weeks ago :sniffle: - and we'll watch more scary movies and continue to give out candies to all the kids - if there's any more left. :evil:

And, that's what we're doing for Halloweenie (the most hollow of holidays). It's just another night to have fun with the kids and friends. :lol:

PostPosted: Mon Oct 27, 2003 7:06 pm
by Fsiphskilm
the fact that many people do dissapear around halloween is not a fictional statement.. another proven fact is that the humain society does NOT release black cats for adoption this time of year. Go and ask them. And if not for the missing Children,then think of all those cats!!! WILL someone Please! think about the cats!!!, What about the cats! :waah!:

PostPosted: Mon Oct 27, 2003 7:13 pm
by Technomancer
The statement about black cats is more or less credible. As for the other, post some info from a major police organization and we'll have a look. People go missing thoughout the year, you need to demonstrate that there is a significant increase in such reports around Halloween. After doing some web searching myself, the best I could find were various articles about petty crime, and a lot about the need to wear non-flammable costumes.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 27, 2003 7:13 pm
by Link Antilles
I've never really liked Halloween. Also, I was not much of a candy fan as a child, except for Twix. For me, it's just a gaming Holiday! I play Castlevania, RTCW, WC III, and Starcraft all night!

PostPosted: Mon Oct 27, 2003 7:14 pm
by Ashley
You know, it's funny Volt, but if you're so "scared' for lack of a better word, about Halloween why did you start this thread? And if we're supposedly all smart enough to realize the truth, what was the point of this thread? I'm not trying to be an antagonist, I'm just having a hard time following your seems your whole attitude has changed from the first post in this thread to these last few between you and Technomancer.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 27, 2003 8:36 pm
by Michael
I just like the candy and dressing. You guys can do whatever you want.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 27, 2003 8:42 pm
by Venus Rose
I don't celebrate it -- I go to parties with other Christian friends! :thumb:

PostPosted: Mon Oct 27, 2003 8:44 pm
by Michael
Welcome to the CAA Venus Rose!

PostPosted: Mon Oct 27, 2003 9:00 pm
by TheMelodyMaker
Our church is having a party Friday night that was originally called "Halloween Party" but someone thought the name wasn't appropriate so it has undergone several changes (to the best of my memory):

1. "Halloween Party"
2. "God's Sovereignty Party" (sounds like a political party... :lol: )
3. "Biblical Theme Party"
4. "Harvest Festival Party" (or something like that...)

I've just decided to call it "Party of No Fixed Name." ^_~

Ashley wrote:Every year, my family and I will go out to dinner and try to have a "normal" night..then go home and take turns answering the door and telling the kids sorry, no candy here. Just my personal experience.

We don't even bother answering the door; we just try to make it look as though no one's home. :cool:

PostPosted: Mon Oct 27, 2003 9:02 pm
by Michael
I went as the Samurai Grim Reaper. I was 5''6' so when people opened the door and saw me standing there in a black cloak and a 40' bokken, they gave me all the candy and ran.

I gorged myself like a pig that night......